Tuesday is a whimsical tale of high-flying frogs on a moonlit adventure. The rich illustrations set the stage for a visual art study in surrealism and the night, and a dramatic investigation of faces and flight. This module invites students to entertain daydreams, see familiar things in a whole new way, and make connections among the unrelated.
This module contains the following lessons:
- What Time Do You Have?
- Daydreaming
- Exquisite Corpse
- Black Out!
- Glow Party
- It’s Time for Tuesday
- Beyond Real
- Minimum Surface Contact
- Shake It Up
- The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!
- Pass a Face
- Bizarre Scenes
- Eye Spy Surrealism
Key Vocabulary
Nocturnal, Daydream, Surrealism, Idiom, A.M., P.M., Unusual
Note: This module is part of 3rd Grade: Series 1. The four modules in Series 1 collectively address all National ELA and Core Arts Standards.