The Invisible Boy is a heartwarming story about a young boy who is looking for a sense of belonging at school. This module allows students to discover the ripple effect of kindness, investigate their own feelings about belonging, and uses classic games along with collaborative art-making to strengthen classroom relationships. Supplemental texts and resources encourage a deep exploration of kindness, happiness, and what it means to be a friend.
This module contains the following lessons:
- Ripples of Kindness
- Making a Friend
- Choosing Time
- I Heard Your Feelings
- Be Kind
- Positive Affirmations
- Vocabulary Roots
- If You’re Happy and You Know It
- Feelings and Sensations
- Feelings Wheel
- Each Kindness
- I Heard Your Feelings Improvisations
- To Be Kind or Not to Be
At the end of the module, you will find options for summative writing tasks and optional extensions that can stretch the module further.
Key Vocabulary
Acceptance, Kindness, Inclusion, Sensitivity, Invisible, Lonesome, Empathy
Note: This module is part of 4th Grade: Series 1. The four modules in Series 1 collectively address all National ELA and Core Arts Standards.