Corduroy is a decades-old story about a toy store teddy bear who is dreaming of finding a best friend. This kit invites you and your child to experience a beary good time together. Students will learn to sew and draw, compare and contrast shapes and sizes, practice money skills through dramatic play, and explore what it means to be a true friend.
- Corduroy
- Curious
- Lost Buttons
- Toy Store
- Needle and Thread
Materials Provided
- Corduroy
- Shopping Bag
- Toy Money
- Price Tags
- Big Buttons
- Green Washable Tempera Paint
- Burlap Squares
- Embroidery Thread
- Plastic Sewing Needles
- How to Draw a Bear Chart
Important Words
- Corduroy
- Needle
- Thread
- Curiosity
- Green
- Button
- Color
- Shape
- Bear
- Draw
- Money
- Toy
- Store