Tuesday is a whimsical tale of high-flying frogs on a moonlit adventure. The story’s only text lies in the various timestamps marking the frogs’ journey from dusk until dawn. The rich illustrations paint a surrealistic story that is open to imaginative interpretation. This kit invites you and your child to entertain daydreams, see familiar things in a whole new
way, and make connections among the unrelated.
- Daydreaming
- Exquisite Corpse
- Black Out
- Glow Party
- Tuesday
- The Best Thing
- Since Sliced Bread
Materials Provided
- Glow Paint
- Frog or Toad Figurine
- Colored Pencils
- White Construction Paper
- Black Construction Paper
- Words Sheet
- Frog vs. Toad Chart
- Idiom Cards
- Nocturnal Animal Chart
Important Words
- Daydream
- Toad
- Frog
- Surreal
- Adjective
- Noun
- Verb
- Nocturnal
- Analog
- Digital
- Idiom
- Realistic
- Process Art
- Venn Diagram