A Little Stuck is the story of a child named Floyd who gets his kite stuck in a tree. Discover how he problem solves to unstick his kite! Through pantomiming, you and your child will pretend you are in a few sticky situations of your own! This kit will encourage you to stick close to your child and sing a song about kite flying. How ex-kite-ing!
- Sticky Objects
- Playful Pantomiming
- Let’s Go Build a Kite
- Let’s Go Fly a Kite
- A Little Stuck
Materials Provided
- A Little Stuck
- String
- Washi Tape
- Streamers
- White Lunch Bag
- Self-Adhesive Velcro Dots
- Tree Chart
- My First Crayola: Washable Tripod Grip Marker
- Stuck Objects Cards
- Sticky Objects Chart
- Pantomime
- Kite
- Stuck
- Unstuck
- Sticky
- Stick
- Velcro
This kit is also available for Birth - Age 2. Please note that the activities and materials might be slightly different to adjust for the specific developmental needs of this age group.