Caps for Sale is the story of a peddler who travels through towns attempting to sell hats, later resting under a tree where a group of playful monkeys tease him. The monkeys in the story, although fictional, show the reader how monkeys like to borrow items and tuck them away for keeping. In this module, students will learn how real-life monkeys are similar and dissimilar to humans. Is there truth in the phrase Monkey See, Monkey Do? Do monkeys have fingers and hands? Can monkeys have feelings? Can monkeys play instruments? This module is not all monkey business; students will practice colors and counting and go bananas for the arts!
This module contains the following lessons:
- Monkey Business
- Building Schema
- Dum Ditty Dum
- Caps for Sale
- Grumpy Monkeys
- Counting Caps
- Monkey See. Monkey Do
- Balancing Monkeys
- Heavy or Light?
- Textures
Centers embedded throughout the module serve as an opportunity for formative assessment. These thoughtfully planned centers are designed with the ECERS subscales in mind and include attention to space and furnishings, language and literacy, learning activities, interaction, and program structure. The following centers are designed to support whole-group lessons in each module:
- Blocks
- Math
- Dramatic Play
- Writing
- Visual Art
- Sensory
- Science
- Health & Wellness
- Music
- Reading
Key Vocabulary
Oval, Semi-Circle, Straight Line, Circle, Circular, S-Shaped, Dots, Swirly Line, Live,
Play, Climb, Big, Small, Eat, Same, Different, Hand, Finger, Thumb, Rhythm, Color,
Size, Texture, Shape, Smell, Peddler, Cap, Checkered, Monkey, Emotions, Feelings,
Angry, Diffuse, Grumpy, Chart, Compare, Contrast, Illustration, More, Less,
Directions, Forward, Backward, High, Medium, Low, Stamped, Percussion,
Properties, Smooth, Wooden, Soft, Hard, Prediction, Balance, Heavy, Light, Scale,
Fabric, Yarn, Ribbon, Fur, Bumpy, Rough
Note: This module is part of Pre-K: Series 1. The four modules in Series 1 collectively address all KY Early Childhood and Core Arts Standards.