The Snail and the Whale is a fable about a snail who takes a trip around the world on the tail of a whale. The story sets the stage for rich discussions about how dreaming big can lead to grand adventures both near and far. You and your child will write acrostic poems, study real‐life and fictional snails and other shelled creatures, and use silvery art mediums to create snail trails! Your child will be encouraged to forge their own trails and leave a silvery mark along the way.
- Shell Sort
- Body Parts of a Snail
- The Snail and the Whale
- Snail Trail
- Acrostic Poetry
Materials Provided
- The Snail and the Whale
- Shells
- Snail Shell
- Body Parts of a Snail Chart
- Shelled Creatures Chart
- Black Construction Paper
- Paint Paper
- Tempera Paint Sticks
- Silver Aluminum Foil
- Silver Washi Tape
- Silver Stickers
- Silver Crayon
Important Words
- Shell
- Snail
- Whale
- Fable
- Medium
- Silver
- Spiral
- Vertical