Pink is for Blobfish invites you to put on your rosecolored glasses and investigate all things pink from obscure pink creatures to pink bubblegum. You will create pink masterpieces inspired by pop artist Andy Warhol and mix a multitude of pink
hues in your own works. With this kit, you will analyze a variety of text features and broaden your understanding of pink’s popularity!
- Pink is More than a Color
- Rose-Colored Glasses
- Pink is for Blobfish
- Pinkish Hues
- Pink Bubblegum
- What Do You See?
Materials Provided
- Pink is for Blobfish
- Idiom Card
- Pink Cellophane
- Pink Index Cards
- Bubble Gum
- They Said-I Say-and So Organizer
- Pink is for Blobfish Anticipation Guide
- Art Analysis Chart
- Pink Sticky Notes
- Pink Art Chart
- Pink Beaches Chart
- Pink Paint
- Cardstock
- Pink Items Chart
Important Words
- Pink
- Paraphrase
- Synthesize
- Literal
- Non-Literal
- Idiom
- Anticipation
- Chunk
- Hue
- Blot