A Tree Is Nice is a classic tale about the beauty of trees. Your child will explore the artistry of trees and create their own tree art using oil pastels. They’ll discover through yoga how to tap into their bodies, breaths, and minds. With the power of observation and the aid of magnifying glasses, this kit encourages your child to investigate what trees can provide. This kit will ‘leaf’ you feeling rooted!
- What Do We Notice?
- Leaf Rubbing
- Tree Pose
- A Tree is Nice
- Colorful Trees
- A Forest of Trees
Materials Provided
- A Tree is Nice
- Paperless Crayons
- Leaf Rubbing Plate
- Oil Pastels
- Oil Pastel Paper
- White Model Magic
- Magnifying Glass
- Colorful Trees Poster
Important Words
- Tree
- Leaf
- Yoga
- Branch
- Trunk
- Roots
- Nice
- Illustration
- Outstanding