Red Sled will take you and your child on a snowy adventure into the woods to visit with woodland creatures and imagine being cozied up in a cabin. Your child will observe the color red in an (almost) wordless picture book, stamp tracks with their feet, sing a song about an imaginary bear hunt, and much more. Are you red-y?
- Our Tracks
- Move with Me
- Finding Red
- Red Sled
- Going on a Bear Hunt
Materials Provided
- Red Sled
- Woodland Animals Chart
- Paint Stick
- Cardstock
- Sand Blocks
- Red Movement Scarf
Important Words
- Footprint
- Woodland
- Animal
- Track
- Red
- Toboggan
- Sled
- Fort
This kit is also available for Birth - Age 2. Please note that the activities and materials might be slightly different to adjust for the specific developmental needs of this age group.